(By Senators Prezioso, Hunter, Sharpe, Unger, Foster, Dempsey, Minard, McCabe, Jenkins and Love)

Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance direct the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability study the various mechanisms in reaching the goal of providing all citizens with comprehensive, quality and affordable health care.

Whereas, It is the goal of the Legislature to see that all citizens of the state have comprehensive, quality and affordable health care; and

Whereas, The cost of health care is growing at a faster rate than any other area of service. It is estimated that by 2008 a basic family health insurance policy in West Virginia may cost at least $16,000 dollars, making it unaffordable for a majority of the residents of the state; and

Whereas, The current health care system encourages cost shifting to citizens who are least able to afford the cost. Twenty percent of the residents of West Virginia between ages 19 and 64 go without insurance at some time during the year and those who need health care services the most have the largest economic, social and educational barriers and are ultimately least able to access the health care system; and

Whereas, Communities are at risk of losing health care accessibility because high rates of uninsured can cause hospitals to reduce services, health providers to move out of the community and public health programs to be cut due to the burden of providing care to those who cannot pay; and

Whereas, Because the system is flawed and does not provide basic health care services to all, the consequences include unnecessary visits to the emergency room, more serious disease outcomes due to lack of early intervention and huge financial burdens to all the citizens of West Virginia; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is hereby requested to direct the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability study the various mechanisms in reaching the goal of providing all citizens with comprehensive, quality and affordable health care; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the regular session of the Legislature, 2006, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations, together with drafts of any legislation necessary to effectuate its recommendations; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report and to draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on
Government and Finance.